good evening blog.
1stly i am quite reluctant to update without pics here. since i miss place my sony ericsson cable, therefore no pics for today, tomorrow or onwards.
until.. i found it back. hu hu.
last weekend, we (my sweetheart and i) dating at jb. ha ha. well, it was another last minute plan. yeah, quite surprising me when he said let's go to jb..
luckily i am not really busy and honestly i am really need a short break from any working tasks. around 1230 we off to jb.
ha ha. i love surprise like this! well, as i said before any thing any how might happen depends on his current condition. if he said, on just go on. if not, just post pone..
that is why i am ok when on friday eve he said he cant make it then post pone the date.
alhamdulillah. this is another prices to pay. just be patient, end up my sunday showered by happiness with him.
see. get the point? ha ha.
sometimes it's hard to please others about my love life. love is blind. i dont mind. as long as the trust and communication are there, everything insya Allah will be fine.
ok, dinner time.
p/s: hurm.. i suppose updates about the preparation's progress. later lah~
waiting for the progress report sis, the mean time you hang in there ya! take care *hugs*
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