hi, blog.
i want to continue my experiences having a young army officer as my bf.
last night he text me, 'ups.. selamat berbuka. sorry lambat wish'. i am kind of appreciate with efforts he shown me last night.. i know he did try his best in this relationship.
so do i..
once a day he text me, ' good morning syg'. that's it. then he silent until late at night or sometimes none.
i did text/ send him reports (ha ha) any time i want. but never hope for his replies because i know it well he didnt reply me when he was at work.
he is a young army officer, holding weapon 24/7 protects this country. then what was i expecting for? i understand his career.. 24/7 is his working hours.
i never complains.
yeah.. maybe sometimes i am talking to myself when i am really miss him. comforting myself when deep down there is hurtful..
being me, it is normal.
sooner or later everything will be ok. just, dont take it seriously and too much of concentrating about things that ensured.
oh, taking about last night (back on the right track), we manage to spend about 15mins sms each others which it was the most precious times ever for us.
he asked me why i am fasting? i said i paid for nazar. hurm.. i rarely doing this. if i am not mistaken, last time i nazar was back to high school for flying colors' result purposes.
then, i said ' i nazar for him. if he didnt transfered to sarawak, i will fasting for 7 days'.
he replied, 'yay. terharunya. thanks syg. ni yang buat abg bertambah-tambah syg kat syg'.
i am blushed..
p/s: i hope you know how much i love you too, sweetheart.
i can see that you love him so much. yeah,me too. me love him too much. hehe...and kind of dah biase bile die asyik outstation and x sms langsung. we should understand him, rite? ;)
assalamualaikum misz_nierah,
thanks dear.
your bf is an army too?
praying and hoping this relationship would lead to marriage, dapat makan nasi minyak free!
nop, perkerja biase health and safety kt petrona, very workaholic.
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