hello blog!!
any idea about carbon neutral? what is carbon neutral all about? does this important to be carbon neutral blog? let's brainstorming..
carbon neutral is reducing carbon dioxide emissions by planting A TREE. how it works?

my blog is carbon neutral is an initiative started by GERMANY by making THE GREEN PROGRAMME. they will plant a tree for one registered blog where by this small contribution helps to save environment.
what are you waiting for? make it happen and make it green.
here's how to participate:
1) write a blog post about the initiative + insert your fav button.
2) email the link to your post to
3) they plant a tree for your blog in Plumas’ country, california.
note: they will plant a tree for each domain. please copy the html code and paste it in your blog / side bar.
finally, there are few unique buttons to share:

p/s: like or dislike? come and join me here.
** credited to terompahsurau[dot]blogspot
tanks for the support babe.. big hug
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