June 15, 2010.
good morning blog.
not much interesting activities i have done during my two weeks of holidays..
except enjoy my 1st time using public transport after two or three years i am leaving my home town, alone to bridal boutique (1st time), another trip to bridal boutique with syazana (2nd time), attended school mates weddings and drop by at ayer hitam for surveying some hot stuffs!
if i am not going anywhere i am playing games, watching movies and cartoons. when i bored with that cycle either i am blog walking or snoozing. ha ha.
oh. so not productive at all!
however, i did some research and study about this two famous groups:
they got the same name started with 'wonder'. recently, both of them catches and brings a new phenomena around the globe.
childs and adults love them.
there are new comers who/ which giving us something fresh ideas and new look for the entertainment industries.
and here you are, giving them a big applause to...

- 5 cute and pretty girls
- hit single is 'nobody'
i want no body no body but you!
i want no body no body but you!
wonder pets
- 3 best buddies, linny tuck and ming-ming.
- seriously there are cute!
- the theme song is..
wonder pet! wonder pet!
we're on our way
to help a friend
and save the day
we're not too big
and we're not to tough
but when we work together
we've got the right stuff
go wonder pets yeay!!
ha ha. both are using the similar name where by started with 'wonder'. then i just wonder lah are there anyone who wonder about this too..
see.. this is not an important case study to get through. i just did some quick research using google to identify the differences between two new comers who/ which bring along this phenomena.
because.. i am a big fan of wonder pets! and at the same i love wonder girls' songs too. hurm. now i wonder is it relevant??
ah. another craps on one fine tuesday morning.
p/s: thanks for reading this. ha ha.
salam cik sya...
cik sya dah nak kawin eyyy +____+
hurm... haziq pun suka sgt tgk wonderpet... takde chance nak tgk citer lain..
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