day 54: yahoo messenger

May 28, 2010.


good morning blog.

thank god for this beneficial technology for us.. currently we are chatting via yahoo messenger. he did waiting for me while i am writing this quick note.

at least even we did not meet each others about one month and a half, everything is gonna be fine when once or twice a week we did manage to communicate via yahoo messenger.

alhamdulillah.. my love, our love is strong. far in a distance but stay close in our hearts. insya Allah.

p/s: have a nice holiday. both of us are on duty lah. no cuti-cuti. isk.



Liza said...

i used to have long distance relationship with MBH who was then my boyfriend, no mobile phone, no internet, no nothing! Just connected using public phone....Alhamdulilah, it worked out