happy weekend babes..
there's been quit sometimes i am waiting for this precious moment which sugarpie, terompahsurau and i will having buka puasa @ laksa shake. ehhehe.. actually it's sugarpie and i then we influenced terompahsurau to join us! -________-"
this is my 3rd times @ laksa shake and 2nd for sugarpie. previously i influenced her for lunch couple of months ago.. now, we're addicted with this..

it's heaven! so let's go to jj bukit tinggi this evening for buka puasa. finally..
* i haven't try their laksa but i wish for nasi..
* personally, i dislike their soup. they served me cold soup! X[
* just enough for a glass of sirap bandung! that's why i come again.. hurm..
Best regards,
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