hunting for something


hello babes.. happy sunday..

let start your engine.. vrooommmmm.. vrommmm.. it's not too late yet, hunting for something for syawal celebration -___________- ehhehe.. even though, every year i cant fasting full =P ok. fine..

1st is check list:

our baju raya - done
my new scarf - recycle from my mom T.T"
my new kasut raya - not yet
my sweetheart samping - not yet
his butang baju melayu - not yet
his kasut raya - suggested to recycle o.O"
kuih raya - done by me for both side. clap..clap..
duit raya - either need to discount or not due unemployed. *sigh

what else?? ouh.. the $$ ?? fully sponsored by my sweetheart. thank you very much!

let's hunting for something..

*precaution, do wear your mask in public!

Best regards,