after a whole hectic day hunting for many things for syawal celebration which sponsored by my sweetheart (alhamdulillah) finally we end up with bought foods and drinks for buka puasa. since i dont have any ideas and very tired.. he bought for two; chicken rice, tau fufa, puffs and drinks.
well, what ever he had for buka puasa, i can feel the taste too. cewahhh.. -.-" while posting this entry i'vework hard to finish the tau fufa as well as the honey dew juices T.T" omg.. omg. it's full tank ord!!
according to experiences, today is my 3rd time went to bazaar ramadhan and this time we bought sooooo soooooooooo many foods and drinks =] previously i bough honey dew juices and one nasi. i've never bought any kuih or what so ever..
thank you, thank you to my sweetheart for all of this.. again, alhamdulillah this is our 3rd ramadhan celebrated together.. -___________________- i am happy..
last but not least i have to sleep early. tooooooo tired. tooooooooooooooooo much of happiness, alhamdulillah and there's maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaannny things to do before syawal celebration. hurm.. headaches when thinking about my thesis' progress!!!

*tried to finish all of foods and drinks before i sleep..
Best regards,
aaaaghhhhh.. i need sleep too!!! jom?
Huhuhuhu bestnya..
aku je yg x menyempat lg nih..
nak balik kg gak...
I need a break gak..
kepala dah sakit nsb dmm da kurang.
dear kak ayu,
over slept ord.. hhuhuhu..
dear syazana,
finally all done. me turn headaches due to hectic day!
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