good morning babes. hello, how do you do? it's a last week of ramadhan and syawal is gonna be ready soon. sad. happy. excited. tired. headaches. period pain. etc.
is sad to leave ramadhan and hope that will meeting again next year.
is happy to meet my sweetheart's family and my lovely family this weekend.
excited to celebrate our 3rd years ramadhan together, alhamdulillah.
tired on thinking what if what if traffic jam this saturday??
still headaches due to yesterday, a hectic day.. luckily it's once a year -.-"
period pain?? stand by for a week before it comes. no sigh!
p/s: pictures taken last two weeks when i was @ home. credit to self timer.. finally i found the button to set them. uuhhhuhuh..

Best regards,
wah..posing baik punya kat rumah ekk..dah abis shopping ke?
dear kak lily,
alhamdulillah well done!
hi syahira..
bila blik kg ni??
selamat hari raya...
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