hi blog.
hurm.. well.. yeah.. this blog is going to shut down (insya Allah) very soon. this is because i found another cozy and nice place to blog.
i never claim this place is not a good place to blog about, in fact this is a platform for me knowing my buddies, going to nuffnang event and meeting new friends (and more).
the reason i move is to start a new life at a new place. this blog remains the brand of syahirasyahira. however, i did a new branding of myself. hurm.. well, doing some improvement on myself and etc etc.
if (any) one or two buddies who would like to visit my new place, do buzz me on comment box k. this blog is officially close by an eve of ramadhan. thank you very much.
p/s: more stories will update on my new blog esp on 3days 3 nights trip to cameron-kota bharu-pasir mas-kuala terengganu-kemaman-kratong-batu pahat.
thanks for the new blog add, hope you will keep on blogging
syira dun forget me keh ;)
pindah rumah...??
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