good morning blog.
this is a story about last night. i was having my dinner around 1915 at my office then come 2 boys knocked my door. i called them in..
ouh, there were the representatives for the last group who will organizing a bbq party this friday. previously there were 5 groups held a bbq party and all of them kindly referred to me for any helps and assistance.
over 5 groups, so far i would really said that the 1st group did the best from the planning, organizing until the party is over. i have no complains towards them.
then, the most annoying group ever was the 2nd last excluded one group where by will be held a party this friday. sigh. no comments!
back to the boys, as usual they come and see me with some notes about the bbq party. well done! it was a kick start and i like to help them. insya Allah.
they presents me the menu (well, that was my job to ensure they get what they want kindly with affordable budgets la).
i assists them in term of what shall they have for the main coarse and side menu, what things should be prepare for the bbq time and remind them few important things that shouldnt be left. ha ha.
well, i admit i was a better planner and take every single things seriously <- sounds complicated and details. ha ha. in fact, i am afraid to say i am a good planner because many things not completely done yet. la la la.
again, back on the track, it was funny looking at the boys when they start arguing about several matters like who said to sponsor balloons for party, who take in charge ordering chickens, how many tables should they have and etc.
not other than that, they also wanna rice chicken on the other hand wanna fried kueh tiao, he said he wish for crab sticks and others wanna chicken nuggets! ha ha.
funny la you guys.
well, every one exciting wanna have a gempaq bbq party ever because they are trying to serve the best for teachers, girl friends and friends. good job, boys.
i may think this is will be the most gempaq based from the planning la. well, will see what will happen next. see you.
p/s: looking at them makes me feels that they such a different boys that i saw every day who was damn rude, naughty like hell and etc.
** i think they need more attentions which most of the time no body care about them. hu hu.
*** well boys is it? what are you expecting for? hurm..
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