good morning blog.
fine.. i am taking almost 10 minutes to start writing. i am dried. no ideas, what to share. in fact, i blog walking to this page and this page .
hu hu.
then i view my desktop and found this:

nice.. at least i have something to share. above pics taken last weekend on my sunday blues. after almost two weeks of holidays, i started my 1st day on sunday. *seriously blues T_T
it's not a story about work station but this is the result of monday blues.
in order to boost the energy and pump out the adrenaline my sister and i (i asked my sister to accompany me to work station) went to bp mall around 5pm.
we have our early dinner at kenny rogers. bla bla. chit chat with her and went for window shopping.
around 8pm, i am craving for donashi and going to big apple with a mountain of hopes. well, donashi is there. but the minimum purchase is 18-RM20 or 28-RMnot sure.
i just settle 1/4 chicken set at kenny rogers then it was impossible for me to go for donashi T_T sob. maybe next time.
end up, i bought 6pcs of creamy super yummy doughnuts. ha ha.
p/s: have you ever try donashi at big apple? how was it eh?
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