good morning blog.
couple of days ago, i received an email from melanie according to this entry.
Hi Syahira, thank you so much for participating in our initiative and making your blog carbon neutral! Your tree will be planted next month by the Arbor Day Foundation. The scheduled start plant date was Monday, April 19 and the trees will be planted by a contracted crew. The roads are being plowed, all contracts solidified, and twelve shipments of 150,000 seedling each are being assembled. We thank you for the support! There are still some trees looking for a sponsor. So if you know some people who have a blog or website, pass it on and we'll make their blogs carbon neutral too! Best, Melanie "Make it green"-team omg.. i am on my way to contribute something to protect the world.
since on her last paragraph said 'There are still some trees looking for a sponsor'.. i would like to encourage my buddies out there to take part too.
then what are you waiting for? let's color your WORLD.

p/s: more info, visit here.
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