hi, blog.
sometimes it goes up then it turns down. ups and downs. hurm..
i wont argue how complicated my life goes now?! why am i? yet, i dont have any ideas what was wrong with me?
arghh.. what a boring day lah today. neither mood swings nor what so ever but.. hurm i maybe tired of staying at home doing nothing.
i am a workaholic person yet shopaholic too. so??
yeah.. i am on leave for two weeks and SUPPOSE i spend my 1st week in my hometown and another 2nd round with my girlfriends and my darling.
however, when my lil car send to workshop (T_T), i am stuck in my home sweet home.
oh, once i am taking public transport to visit bridal boutique, then i help my mom and send my grandma for medical check up last but not least thank god syazana and azah (my ex schoolmates) bring me along attend our senior of girl school's wedding.
the rest, i am stuck here. hu hu.
it is the longest time ever i am away with my lil car. sh*t i miss her very much! things i never done before. sigh.
next, my life is complicated when i dont know what to do and what to decide for the hantarans.
fine, the theme has confirmed yet how to decorate them still blur. hu hu. i hate when i google for ideas then i stuck because all of them are beautiful, so sweet, nice and awesome looks.
lastly, things that i may find complicated and difficult is we did not confirmed the date yet! gulp..
eh, dont said am madly crazy ok. i guess, if you are one of army's partner/ gotta buddies who are army's partner you will definitely understand this. esp my sweetheart is a young officer.
he is 24 hours busy bee. in fact, he told me never expected he get a holiday for this early years of services. hu hu.

that is what i always remind to myself. it is 'price to pay' for loving him.
p/s: insya Allah this good willing will be held in couple of months ahead. amin.
am i hearing good news? jgn lupa jemput yer
Sabar babe,
tak da jalan yang kita nak tu senang je,kena susah dulu.Bila dah rasa manisnya baru kita kenang 'owh..banyak dugaan aku rupanya'.
wow..congrats. =)
assalamualaikum kak liza.
insya Allah. do pray the best for your lil sister here. wink.
assalamualaikum beb.
thanks a lot! i am really appreciate it. hugs you..
assalamualaikum misz_nierah.
many thanks buddy. omg, suddenly my heart beat fast *blushed.
insya allah things will turn up well.. all the best...
assalamualaikum kak sid,
hugs you sis.
thanks a lot for the prayers.
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