hi, blog.
my new pink stuff. what you say??
please ignore the model baju tidur above. she's my sister. haha.
well, you know me NOT you-know-who. hu hu. i am addicted and easily influenced by pink items. this is my not so sure when to use pink.cute.bag. ^___^
the story is like this..
last april i went for an interview at jb. at the mosque, i found a young lady like my age use this bag to fill her telekung.
at the 1st time i said, 'wow. seriously i wanna buy this one day!!'. i tried to survey but the price seems very expensive..
until last friday, during lunch hour i went to carrefour and drop by at one shop which selling women stuffs.
she did gave me (i think quit ok la) better price and without further due i grab this!
of cause in pink. but my mom said, she do prefer orange. omg!
p/s: orange is for my sweetheart. i may not good in orange la i think. pink-orange maybe nice..
waaaaa....cik sya dh bukak cite dh eyyy pink pink ni....cute nye beg tu...maybe extra cute sebab pink colour kan... item +____+ heeee
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