morning blog.
today is friday. sob. then, saturday. sob. sob. after that, sob3x is sunday. sigh.
how fast time flies. seems like i havent enjoy my two weeks holiday yet. sob. sob.
after this i am not sure when i can have this wonderful resting and enjoying moments stay up late mid night, wake up late, never stuck with any probs, zero work loads and etc.
fine. life must go on. if am not working where i can get money and working experiences as well as knowledge -___-"
syahira is happy. syahira like her job. syahira is this and that. hu hu..
last but not least, syahira is falling in love with miao.
she's pregnant. not mine, my neighbor..
enjoy your friday. have a great weekend. and save journey.
p/s: school holiday is over soon. sob.
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