how to start eh?

June 11, 2010.


good morning blog.

time is running out. since the date is not confirm yet, i did not hurry and stay easy in my comfort zone. ha ha.

unlike syazana, her dateline is around the corner. all the best, babe!

so far, am slowly doing preparations such as :

bought gifts for him (after terompahsurau yelled at me!) but still not complete yet, send my baju kurung to tailor, bought a scarf and high heels (omg, is there necessary to buy high heels!) ha ha and last but not least am ord went to my 1st time survey to bridal boutique.

from now on, i will put more efforts to surf more about the preparation and visit other bloggers who updates about their stories.

hurm.. i shall learn from my darling, sabil after this. she did a long list special for her big day to ensure every single things done very well.

ok lah. see you later blog. every day every time i am praying hard for this good willing spread by joys and happiness. amin. amin. amin.

p/s: god bless you too.



YuNa said...

ohh dear... list tu tah hape2 je pon.. hik2.. terlalu panjang... ngade2 je.. patut blh pendek lagi tuh... nak structure lik jap gi...
