good morning blog.
i am taking quite sometimes to blog about this. some how, am worried to do so. i guess it is normal lah. as a human being we just plan everything, the rest are depends on up there.
kun fa ya kun~
let me start with in the name of Allah, the most gracious, the most merciful.
last april, a week before my birthday my sweetheart surprised me with an awesome becoming birthday celebration.
we celebrated it at vistana hotel (which i never blog about this before) just having makan-makan and he gave me a sweet pressie (a necklace). alhamdulillah.
i never thought about a special treat like that. being me, am a simple person. a piece of cake from secret recipe, is fine. as long as it has been chosen by him. ^______^
then, while we were having makan-makan he did proposed me! yess. he did it! i am speechless ok! even that is the moment that am waiting for.
hu hu. how stupid am i?! i am shocked and acted silly. he said why am look like unhappy? oh, please slap me why i did that silly face. hu hu hu.
i.. i.. i am telling him that am unexpected with all surprises! again, slap me please because am said like that! -____-"
after a while. when my mind is back to normal, we did continue and discuss about us. our future. according to the plan, we agreed to engage this year 2010.
again, alhamdulillah.
from april to may and now is june, there were not much i did for the engagement day.. each time i google anything about the preparation, am getting headaches and confused.
ok enough said.
i hope this good willing will be spread by joys and happiness. insya Allah.
p/s: i will updates more about what i have done and what am planning for our engagement day soon. see you then, blog.
salam syahira..
wah.. congrats dear..
btul2 surprise ye ur sweetheart buat..
kalo yaty pn sure lar tergamam tak terkata sume kan..
all the best for ur engagement day nnti yerk..
happy 4 u!
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