shopping always a therapy

May 14, 2010.


good morning blog.

a new hand bag! it looks nice..

i have been looking this for quite some times. since i am using the same hand bag every day, there is not a big sin for me to look for a new one. ha ha!

at the 1st place, my problem is i hard to find a new hand bag which really suits my interest. sounds choosy -_____-" hurm.

i dislike a huge handbag because there looks like a mother of two who carry diapers! when the size is bigger the probability of full of rubbish is high. such as receipts, pamphlet, old news paper, candy wraps and etc.

i avoid the earth colors such as brown, black <- i think it is earth color! haha , beige, gray and dark blue. because previously when i saw them there looks dull and not attractive interesting.

not my fault. my current hand bag is shocking pink! wink.

talking about my brand new hand bag, i would love to promote another awesome place to go for online shopping or walk in store.. it is the old blossom box store own by miss jezmine.

with terompahsurau and jezmine. i shall visit her soon.

p/s: she has a persian in her store.
