credited to him


he never know i have a blog.
because i never tell him.
i never specific my writing.
i simply write every single things i wanted.
in case, if i want to share lah.

one day..
i open this to public.
stand still writing but with manner.
hu hu hu.
life aint easy.
i found piranha.
she complain about my writing.

i am sad.
i am mad.
quite disappointed!

i share everything with him.
then he know i am blogging.
blogging about everything.
nothing specific.

he support me 24/7.
he stand by for me.
never give up..

with all of gratitude..
i credited my sweetheart.

p/s: i love you. never regret.



syazana said... ingat pompuan sewel yang cakap merepek tu ye..mcm bagus..hahaha