how do you do babes? 1st i would love to congratulate all my babes and juniors on your graduation day couple of days ago.. yeahhh.. finally, after 3~4 years study for degree; doing assignments, attend classes, participate with activities and etc etc.
welcome to the most challenges and toughest part is surviving in careers life. some people may think it's easy to get a job but how you sustain and keep your performance levels always on the top? jeng..jeng..jeng. ^o.O^
to those who are still not working yet/ enjoy your holiday, wake up!! go and grab any working opportunities and experiences or apply any courses in order to improve your added values.. all the best for your future undertakings and i cant wait for three special graduation day.
hurm.. one is conform.. another two are on the way to conform :) but what i assured you, one year ago alhamdulillah i managed to get this!! definitely, it's conform! ahhahahhaha..
my happy family celebrated my big day, it's my 2008 graduation day. thank you very much for bears, orchids and roses..

my best buddies and i celebrated our big day. alhamdulillah.. after 3 and 1/2 years together, finally we did it!! from left; noa the mummy to be, sabil the fiance to be and cik syahira the lecturer to be :)

students with our two male lecturers.. sweet memory remains forever. i owe with both two lecturers. they're inspired and help me a lot..

last but not least a big surprised of the day, my sweetheart. he told me he cant attended on my graduation day due to his training schedule and at the very last minute he conform to join me! thanks sweetheart..

Best regards,
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