i am blog hopping and i found this entry and without further due started to search babies pictures in my folder.. luckily the organizer of this contest given a permission for those who single also can be participated.
so let's take a look what are the terms and conditions:
1. jd follower Mommy_Zara - done
2. sila add banner di atas pada sidebar.. -done

3. buat special entry utk contest ini dan sertakn sekali satu picture baby uols yg comey! dan satu picture baby bersama mommy atau daddy! kedua2 gambar akan diambil markah.. -done
lil princess was in a good mood during her 1 year old birthday. she's very cute with pink dress and sweet butterfly headband. the crowd said, cantiiiikkkkkkkkk canntiikkkkkk to lil princess and she smile to us. so sweet~
both mummy and daddy with boring look of lil princess.. she cant wait to have her pink birthday cake.. see, mummy looks very happy during that time while daddy tried to fix her headband.. dear lil princess, happy birthday to you darling.. MMuuaahhh!

4. sile nyatakan skali nama baby dan umur baby. tips: gambar baby comey dgn aksi bersahaja tp masih mengekalkan kecomelannya mungkin menjadi pilihan juri -done
name: puteri nur qistina binti azizul syazwan
age: 1 year 3 weeks and 1 day
5 sila nyatakan bila gambar diambil. -done
date taken: 02.08.2009 during her 1 year old birthday celebration ^o.O^
6. link kn blog Mommy_Zara . sila tinggalkn comment bila dh siapkn entry k.. -done
well, as easy as ABC. to all my blogger babes especially mummy and daddy do take part and let support this contest and not forget to my single babes you too can participate this contest like me ^o.O^
Best regards,
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