hi! happy weekend babes..
i believes that most of you registered on facebook. hiks.. so do i. it's hurm.. last week i registered facebook and wow! it's interacting and interesting.

basically facebook is a place for connecting you over millions of people around the world. hurm.. like myspace, friendster and etc etc.
as for today, maybe facebook is leading due on varieties of tools and applications which is the best. thumbs up! oh. now i am addicted with farmville game.
ahhaha. i become a farmer now.

since i am a beginner, so i only manage a small farm. yet, i am still in level 6 ^o.O^ ok. let me share what is farmville all about!
basic of farming lol:
bla bla
chickens, rabbits, cows and etc etc
*me maybe not really helpful but then try have your on farm!

oh.. i am busy harvesting my strawberry. ehhehe.. beside strawberry i have eggplant, wheat and many more. my neighbor send me a cherry, lemon and peach tree. it's fun and exciting.
and things are ..

each time you harvest, there will increased your coins and experiences. the more you gain, the highest level you are.. well.. at the end you have lots of cash and coins to grow your farm..
i bet you, i do really enjoy playing this virtual game. you can share your experiences with your friends.. so, it's not too late to try.
Best regards,
i tak bape nak aktif facebOOklah :(
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