hello babes.
since i am lacking of ideas, lazy to upload pictures from my camera and etc etc, i just print screen this and share some pictures T.T"
have you experienced when you log on to nuffnang, view your analytics and found various of keywords. some might be related to your entries and others are like i dont know how to explain. hhuhu.
since i am new in nuffnang, so i just gain few incomes yet alhamdullilah. wink..wink. <- eh, it's not the purpose! i found a new keyword but it's a sentence maybe, like this:

hhuhu. what so funny you guys? this is not a preggie pages. just a simple and ordinary girl wrote about her daily life which she loves to share with her blogger babes/ buddies.
one more thing, i am not so sure what triple x mean but i guess maybe that person refer to size which like s,m,l,xxx what i dont know <- so naive eh. ehhehe.
or triple x mean a word with three letter like eat, fit, lie or what ever. hhehe.
pregnants hijab fit
pregants hijab lie @.@"
otherwise.. i am not saying that. la la la.. you said, you mean it..
* how about yours?
Best regards,
alhamdulillah..akak never pulak come accross such keywords coming in my blog.. huhu..
very double meaning ek?
ehh betOl ke kte akn dpt incOme kalO aktif nuffang?? i ada gak log in tapi tak penah nak aktif pOn.
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