read this 1st.
let's check this out:
24 july 2009
due to uncertainty i canceled my plan to have lemon rosemary chicken grilled with my housemate (sugarpie and terompahsurau).
25 july 2009
at my right hand side,
at my left hand side,
in front of me,
1115: kak dd's runner sent me the yummy delicious chicken in pkns shah alam. then i straight away picked up sweetheart's sister in 23.
cant wait for you,
dj lemon rosemary chicken grilled.
the baked potato.
1230: used kesas highway and mrr2 went to sweetheart's home sweet home. well.. bad traffic as usual. not like!
1300~1400: reached home and it's a lunch time. watched tv. 'lepak-lepak' ed. we supposed ate the yummy delicious chicken at his house but then we brought it to nenek's house.
1600: my sweetheart and i went to jelatek's tailor to pick up his uniform.. i like..
1700: drifted home.. ehhehe.
1800: we (sweetheart's family and i) went to nenek's house.

to be continue
Best regards,
waaahhh menikmatinya kat umah pOjan's nenek ehh??
mesti besh kan makan ramai ramai.
meriah gitu!
suddenly called him pojan ek.
like oji's, pejal.
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