hi, blog.
currently there are 2 things that i must consider and shall well prepare but still in the pending list. hu hu.
1st is the thesis progress. sigh. i must complete it this semester.
2nd is the proper engagement list to do. brainstorming, please..
this 2 important things in my life makes me stuck! hurm.. both are important. however, so far i failed to manage them properly.
in fact, there are minimal progress about them. yet, there are still not enough. sob. sob.
sometimes, i feels like wanna quit from this job and concentrate for the thesis. but, i cant do that because i need money, knowledge and experiences in working field for my future.
phew.. life is complicated as usual. furthermore, it depends on peeps how they manage things and make it real. it's hard. argh..
eh, am i give up?? no. no. no. just mumbling..
p/s: ya Allah. give me strength and guidance to complete this. amin.
let me aminkan your doa...amin....Insyallah, success!!!
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