morning blog.
last month is rejab month, this month is sya'aban month and next month is ramadhan month. how fast time flies. if we're wasting times, definitely we're losing behind. subhanallah.
talking about these holly months, what are preparations been done to search the blessings and etc? practically, seems like i did nothing.
oh, maybe i did puasa sunat. does it enough? hurm..
besides, these holly months reminds me at the very 1st stage i am knowing my sweetheart after about 3 years we separated. 2 souls reunited. wink..
back to last 3 years, we met back via friendster, exchanged emails and chat through ym. then he asked my mobile number and did sms until we officially met back last 2008.
back to last 2 years, were very 1st time for us celebrating these holly months together. i bough him a pair of baju melayu unfortunately he didnt send to tailor. hu hu. <- see.. always taking easy those kind of matters. hurm.
back to last year, as usual i bought him a pair of baju melayu and send it to tailor. alhamdulillah. at least he have one not a ready made..
sob. this year, either i forgot or i am too busy until i never send him any to tailor. hu hu. i am sorry. ok.. actually, i bought him a pair of baju melayu (as usual). however, that pieces was made for our engagement.
our pair of baju raya meant to be for hantaran. i guess, it's acceptable eh?
therefore, no pics for our baju raya until it officially shown during our special day which the date was not been confirm yet.
sweetheart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! things done. any thing any time depends on you.
p/s: insya Allah, the actual plan was couple of months ahead. amin.
salam syira. bestnya
tahun ni tahun pertama sambut puasa raya bersama bagi naem.insyaallah.baca entry syira rs eksaited lak ..hehe
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