hello. happy saturday babes..
couple of weeks ago or almost months ago T.T" i shop at RM . i bought a pearly pallet (eye shadow) from indonesia. alhamdulillah, i am a happy costumer of kak red. definitely, i will shopping from her shop again and again.. psst, depends on my extra budget lah ^o.O^ hehe..
then, here you are my pearly pallet imported from indonesia bought through redmummy.com ^-.-^ there have 8 different colors and really love it.. so enjoy it!

and here also small token said kak red but it's a huge appreciation for become her readers eh lucky 2,000,000 readers.. again, alhamdulillah.. thank you very much sis! jeng.. jeng. it's bought all the way from US! now i present you, it's a victoria secret's product.

*surprised and speechless. seriously.. i've never thought to get all of this kind of appreciation. alhamdulillah..
Best regards,
Hah..aku dah agak..kau membeli lagi.Makeup yang bebanyak tu pon belum tentu kau pki..adeh..kau ni SAKIT tau x,hr tu cakap punyalah x beli lagi..ni da mmg hampeh betul kawan aku ni..x leh percaya kalau dia kata x nak beli pape lagi...hehehe..anyway gift dr kak red tu macam menarik minat aku r..
beb.. i bought it couple of months ago lah!
nice kan??
i just bought pigments.
later leh shopping lagi..
wink wink
dear lyn.
me love pigments too.
but then just grab for pearly pallet for my collections.
uhh sekali lagi.
kamu kamu..
hik hik..
last one!
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