i thought because i am a lady:
i used to blame my hormones ..
when i craved for online shopping
i love to blog hopping
walk here and there
look for something
coach, crocs etc etc
i always forgot that ..
i should save more money
for my future life
money for study
money for this and that
for bla bla bla
i must concentrate to my study
never playing around
dateline is around the corner
still pending many things
chapter 1,2,3,4,5 and 6
i draft them only!
wake up lady
not just blogging
dont just saying
i must do something
what kind of thing
omg omg
blogging is my new life
i cant stop my hobby
this what i should be
updating new entry
or else
i'll missing my blogger baby
on the other way
because i am a lady
i love myself more
i do appreciate and grateful
because i have you..

T.T" what exactly happen to me?
Best regards,
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