" Anak itu akan membesar sehingga menjadi orang dewasa sepertimana di dunia dan diajar membaca Al-Quran sehingga hafiz oleh Nabi Daud. Anak ini akan menunggu ibu bapa mereka di pintu syurga selepas kiamat dan pada hari perhitungan.
Anaknya ini akan sentiasa menunggu ibu bapa mereka di pintu syurga sehinggakan jika malaikat meminta mereka masuk ke dalam syurga sekalipun, mereka tetap mendesak untuk membawa 'orang tua' nya ke dalam syurga, Wallahualam."
31 august 1987..
i was 2 years old.
cannot remember what happen around me yet..
we're living with grandma..
and my dad told me,
we have lots of kitty.
my mom sad..
she was pregnant.
and almost delivered her baby.
meaning i will have a new friend.
still.. i cant understand everything.
i am too small during that time.
my mom told me..
at the morning of 31 august,
which malaysian independent day..
she felt the contraction already.
might be it's the time.
she called my dad.
it was public holiday.
no body cant help them.
my grandma hold me.
i cant remember.
after a while..
my mom laid down and
suddenly the baby delivered after one pushed!
any my mom was alone..
my dad searching for help.
my grandma hold me tight..
i am sorry mom.
i dont know..
my mom cried.
the baby also cried loudly..
after a while..
my mom said the baby couldnt cried at all.
he left at the floor with my mom.
then i dont know what happen.
what i assured was my younger brother dead at 6pm.
in hospital..
on last 31 august 1987.

dear younger brother, mohd. syafin may you rest in peace. i am sorry i dont have any memories with you. only your certificate of birth and death will remind me about you now and forever. al-fatihah.
Best regards,
hi syahira,
be patient k
Semoga rohnya ditempatkan dikalangan orang2 yg soleh.
al-fatihah. sedihnya baca..apepun dia akan tunggu u sekeluarga disyurga
dear kak lyn,
thank you very much sis.
dear kak lily,
insya Allah.. we're always pray for him.
Beb,aku x pernah tau pon hal ni.Kalau umur dia panjang mesti dia sebaya ngan adik aku angah kan?apa pon Allah S.W.T lebih sayangkan dia.Al-fatihah
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